Tarrant County College Texas – Geology/Environment Program March 9-17 2019

20th March 2019

We were delighted to welcome our first group of students from Tarrant County College, Texas to ISAI, lead by the amazing Dr. B herself! The TCC students participated in a collaborative program with Virginia Tech, who came to study sustainability and culture. Dr. Balakrishnan and VT Professor Dr. Robert Bush had worked with us to design an integrated syllabus that would deliver the learning outcomes from both courses.

Our Texans approached everything with great humor and enthusiasm, despite the weather being particularly ‘Irish’ and the sheep being shy. Their group was very mixed, with non-traditional students, first generation college students and undergrads, and we thoroughly enjoyed taking them around Irish boglands, causeways, coastal walks and castles. While we hate to single out anyone, we must nod in respect to the great Arturo, who added so much to the evening entertainment, and the astonishing R.A., warrior and cancer survivor, Mom of 5 kids and first-time study abroad traveler, who was a quiet inspiration to us all.

Here are some quotes, and thank you Dr. B and everyone who made this first trip to Ireland.

‘This trip has probably been the best experience of my life. The scenery, culture and learning here have been so incredible and better than I could have ever thought. If you ever have the opportunity to take a trip like this, you must say yes.’ Micah Armstrong, TCC

‘My experience during this trip was great and well satisfied, leaving me wanting more. I had so much fun exploring the land of Ireland. I never knew I would walk up a mountain and feel the wind as I gazed at the Atlantic Ocean. I saw castles, forests and giant rocks. I never thought I would see such wonders in my lifetime.’  Arturo Munoz, TCC 

‘With ISAI I was able to develop my field skills and learn from the rich culture of Ireland. My studies in Ireland have helped me with my self-confidence and exposed me to a culturally diverse program. As a young geoscientist, the Sliabh Liag trip was excellent, I was very happy with the opportunity to explore the geology of the mountains. My expectations were surpassed with this trip.’ Juan Pablo Ezparza, TCC