Milwaukee- The Good Land!

20th August 2015

Institute of Study Abroad Ireland visit Milwaukee Irish Fest 2015


Over 300 musicians on stage at the last night of Irish Fest 2015

As the summer programs for August 2015 finished up, a treat was in store for Niamh and John from the Institute of Study Abroad Ireland. ISAI had been invited to join the Milwaukee Irish Fest Cultural Tent at their 2015 extravaganza, and Niamh was asked to deliver two hedge school lectures.


The Screaming Orphans from Bundoran, County Donegal
The Screaming Orphans from Bundoran, County Donegal

The Milwaukee Irish Festival is the largest Irish Festival in the world, and truly has to be seen to be believed. The music line-up is astounding- wonderful musicians and bands from all over Ireland, but we had to say (all bias aside) that we thought Bundoran’s The Screaming Orphans stole the show!


Milwaukee Irish Fest 2915 (14)

The lectures went well, and we met hundreds of amazing people at the stand. It is truly astonishing what the Irishfest committee and the thousands who support the festival are doing for Irish culture abroad. Our most sincere thanks to Brian Witt, Denis McBride, and the awesome Eileen Carpenter for bringing us out. And to our many friends who came along to say hi- thank you so much, Milwaukee.


Our good friend from AFS USA, Nancy Satola popped by!
Our good friend from AFS USA, Nancy Satola popped by!